Security & Quality

Security by design!

Data protection and IT security are paramount. By design we safeguard sensitive information, ensuring compliance with the industry regulations. With a strong focus on confidentiality and integrity, users can trust myoncare to prioritize the security of their data at every step.

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Data security by design

More than just a promise

  • End-to-end encrypted data transfer

  • Class IIa medical device

  • GDPR-compliant hosted on German servers.

  • ISO 27001 & ISO 13485 certified QMS of ONCARE

  • Regular QMS audits by TÜV Süd Product Service GmbH

  • Use of a specially developed & patented blockchain solution

Secure data exchange

End-to-end encryption

With the patient's consent to include their doctor as an additional site, a key is also stored on the patient's smartphone and the doctor's laptop, which can be used to decrypt information and data sent between them.

The data is encrypted during transmission and is only decrypted on the patient's smartphone or the doctor's device.

Patented innovation

Optional use of our blockchain

We are convinced that blockchain technology offers enormous potential for making data transfers secure and traceable. This is particularly important for collaboration in networks, as blockchains can significantly improve the exchange and availability of data for research purposes and in epidemiology.

Based on the Hyperledger Fabric Framework, we have therefore developed our own blockchain solution that is specially tailored to the requirements of the healthcare sector - and for which we already hold two patents. Our "Private & Permissioned" blockchain enables data to be exchanged between two parties via a private channel that can only be viewed by the two parties involved. The rest of the network can only see that a transaction has taken place without having access to any details.

Important to know: As a user, you are free to choose whether you want to use the blockchain.

  • 1. Participants can initiate a private transaction

  • 2. Only anonymized data is included in the block

  • 3. The block is sent to the network of nodes

  • 4. The nodes validate the transaction

  • 5. The block is added to the existing blockchain

  • 6. Other participants have no insight into the details of the transaction.


Certified quality

myoncare platform adheres to EN ISO 13485, ISO 27001, MDR IIa, FDA, and BSI standards, ensuring quality and compliance in medical device development.

To ensure the highest product quality, we have implemented a quality management system (QMS) that covers all steps of product realization from initial design to post-market surveillance.

Our QMS is certified under the Medical Device Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on medical devices) for Class IIa medical devices.

In addition, our QMS is certified to ISO 13485: 2016 and ISO 27001: 2017 and is subject to regular audits by our certification body for critical review and continuous improvement.

  • QMS Class IIa Medical Device Regulation

  • EN ISO 27001: 2017

  • EN ISO 13485:2016


You decide: platform or service?

Whether you want to design your own digital program from scratch or offer your patients digital support with minimal effort - we have the right solution.


Build your own infrastructure with the myoncare platform

Maximum flexibility for your project. Create and combine your own content and manage patients via the innovative dashboard.​

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Use the services of​

Digital health with minimal effort. Integrate your patients into an existing health program from our partner​

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© 2025 ONCARE GmbH – all rights reserved. ​
myoncare is not available for sale or distribution in all markets. Please for information regarding your market. myoncare is not intended to be used for medical emergencies. myoncare must not be used by patients under 18 years of age. We, as a service provider, assume no liability for monitoring the transmitted or stored third party information or the consequences arising thereof.​

Together against cancer! ​